Monday, March 5, 2012

Brown Butter Vanilla Bean Rice Krispie Treats (Vegetarian)

It rained for the first half of Saturday. Sunday was turning out to be a similarly colorless day, aside from a hour-long window of sunlight in the mid afternoon.

I wanted to make something simple for cookie monday. Something with, say... 3 ingredients.

Generally speaking, rice krispie treats are made by melting marshmallows. As is the case for a surprising amount of candy, marshmallows get their springy set from gelatin. Fluff, on the other hand, is pig-pectin free. When planning out my baking for the night, I knew I'd be subbing in fluff for marshmallows.

But, of course, once I got in the kitchen, I started making more changes. I browned the butter (cooking the butter until the milk solids turn all golden and start smelling nutty and rich).

Then, at the last possible moment, when the fluff and butter were melting together, I remembered my cache of vanilla beans, and scraped one into the mix. Once melted, the fluff was smooth and shiny, flecked with black vanilla beans, and brown bits.

Rice Krispie Treats
(Brown Butter and Vanilla Vegetarian Variation)
1/2 stick butter
8 oz Marshmallow Fluff
5 cups puffed rice
1 vanilla bean

First, plan your end game: grease a 9x13 inch pan, and put 5 cups of puffed rice into a big mixing bowl.

In a medium-sized saucepan, melt the butter. Cook over low-medium heat, stirring frequently. The butter will turn clear, foam, and turn yellow-golden, and then brown.

Just as the butter is browning, glop 8oz of marshmallow fluff (one small jar, or half of a bigger tub) into the saucepan. Stir frequently.

Scrape one vanilla bean pod out into the mixture, and cook for about five minutes, stirring. When the butter has been fully mixed into the fluff, and the mixture is smooth, pour it into the puffed rice filled mixing bowl and stir to coat.

While still warm, turn the mixture into your prepared pan, and pat it flat, and refrigerate until set.

You can store this at room temperature for about 2 days, or in the fridge for longer.

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